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"Ilana & Palti" - Articles of the press:

Here you can find a selection of press articles from "Ilana & Palti", 
published in the following countries:


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"The Good Life of Ilana and Palti"
Magazine "For Women" (העיתון: לאשה). Hebrew article of 1974 by Yaakov Bar-On (הכתב: יעקב בר-און):

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 Hebrew article of 1974

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Concert announcements of צמד "החיים הטובים"= "The Good Life" Duo,  
known in Europe as  "Ilana & Palti" = "אילנה ופלטי" (Took part: June 1974, Israel).

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Hebrew article of June, 1974 Hebrew article of June, 1974 Concert, Tel Aviv, 1974 Concert, Tel Aviv, 1974
June 1, 1974, "Bar-Minan", student club of the Tel Aviv University צמד "החיים הטובים"= "The Good Life" Duo, managed exclusively by "Orot" 
(directed by Shlomo Zach and Chaim Shelef).
     June 7, 1974, Tel Aviv June 25, 1974, Tel Aviv, radio show
  "Me'Arba Kanfot Tevel" 
("מארבע כנפות תבל" "From four wings of the world")

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"A l'hotel d'Esterno, Au concert de bienfaisance une révélation: Le duo ZADOK - JACOBI" 
French article of September, 1974, by Claude Karoubi, president of the Burgundian Cultural Association (ABC):

French original:

A l’hôtel d’Esterno
Au concert de bienfaisance une révélation: Le duo ZADOK-JACOBI

Les Fêtes de la Vigne sont l’occasion de soirées mondaines. Elles ont heureusement un double avantage, elles sont au profit d’une œuvre de bienfaisance et nous permettent de découvrir les très belles salles que compte notre ville.

Hier soir c’était à l’hôtel d’Esterno, siège du quartier central, que se tenait un concert de bienfaisance au bénéfice des œuvres sociales des armées.

Autour du général Jean Nicolas, commandant la 64e division infanterie, se tenait tout ce que notre région compte comme gradés, officiers supérieurs. Parmi eux : le colonel Mahlberg, commandant le B A 102 ; le colonel Houissé, le colonel Leclaire, le colonel Sourel, le médecin chef de l’hôpital des armées Gorlin, les généraux du cadre de réserve, MM de Cointet, Jacob, le capitaine Guillaume.

Mais point de tenue. Pour une fois, tous étaient en civil. Parmi les autres personnalités on notait la présence aussi de M et Mme Levavasseur, de Mme Gaston-Gérard, Mme Démarche, M. Koche, etc.

Feuilletant ce programme … zut, les mêmes groupes depuis mardi… Surprise, M. Levavasseur annonce un changement : le groupe tchèque prévu a été appelé à Paris et est remplacé par un jeune duo israélien : 
« La Bonne Vie ». Elle, Ilana Zadok, jeune brunette aux yeux et cheveux noirs, et qui chante avec ton les délices de son lointain Yémen. Lui, Palti Jacobi, sosie d’Enrico Macias, est auteur-chanteur et guitariste.

Ce duo conquit l’assistance par son art très sobre, qui mit pleinement en valeur la beauté des mélodies et leur variété – d’inspiration yéménite ou hassidique – certains d’un ton très allant, plein d’insouciance, d’autres, et c’est plus souvent le cas, d’une émotion contenue, au lyrisme nostalgique d’une grande intériorité. La guitare de P. Jacobi sut se montrer discret donnant simplement à la voix l’arrière plan sonore nécessaire. Ce duo fut une révélation !

Deux autres ensembles figuraient au programme : celui de Hongrie (Musical Balassi) et de Roumanie (Someșul-Napoca de Cluj).
Nous avons déjà signalé les qualités de ces deux groupes et plus particulièrement celui de Roumanie. Leur répertoire choisi avec un goût sûr parmi les productions tant modernes qu’anciennes, fut superbement mis en valeur par un style vivant et juste, une qualité musicale défaillante.

Une excellente soirée


English translation:

At the Esterno Hotel
A revelation at the benefit concert: the duo ZADOK-JACOBI

The Fêtes de la Vigne are an opportunity for social evenings. Fortunately, they have a double bonus: they are in aid of a charitable cause and they enable us to discover the very beautiful venues we have in our town.

Yesterday evening it was at the Hotel d'Esterno, headquarters of the central district, that a benefit concert was held for the social causes of the armed forces.

Surrounding General Jean Nicolas, commander of the 64th Infantry Division, were all the senior officers of our region. Among them: Colonel Mahlberg, commander of the B A 102; Colonel Houissé, Colonel Leclaire, Colonel Sourel, the chief physician of the Gorlin army hospital, the reserve generals, Messrs de Cointet and Jacob, and Captain Guillaume.

But no uniforms. For once, all were in civilian clothes. Among the other personalities, there was also M. and Mme Levavasseur, Mme Gaston-Gérard, Mme Démarche, M. Koche, etc.

Looking through the programme ... damn, the same groups as on Tuesday... But there was a surprise when Mr Levavasseur announced a change: the planned Czech group had been called to Paris and was replaced by a young Israeli duo: "The Good Life". The lady, Ilana Zadok, a young brunette with black hair and eyes, tastefully sings of the delights of her distant Yemen. The man, Palti Jacobi, a look-alike of Enrico Macias, is a singer-songwriter and guitarist.

This duo conquered the audience with their understated artistry, which fully highlighted the beauty and variety of the melodies - Yemeni or Hassidic in inspiration - some of them very lively and carefree, others, and this was more often the case, of a controlled emotion, with nostalgic lyricism of great introspection. P. Jacobi's guitar was able to be discreet, simply giving the voice the necessary acoustic background. This duo was a revelation!

Two other ensembles were on the programme: one from Hungary (Musical Balassi) and one from Romania (Someșul-Napoca from Cluj).
We have commented on the qualities of these two groups, especially the Romanian one. Their repertoire, chosen with sound judgement from both modern and ancient compositions, was superbly enhanced by a lively and precise style and a musical quality that was much in evidence.

An excellent evening


hana zadok paleti jacobi 

French article of "Le Figaro", 1974:

French article of "Le Figaro", 1974


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"The Jewish Chronicle Newspaper", England, December 27, 1974:

The Jewish Chronicle Newspaper", 1974

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"Y.P.Z. proudly presents" 
"The Good Life" 

English announcement of January, 1975:

The Good Life

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Brit Hashmonaim HaHaim HaTovim hahayim hatovim ha'hayim ha'haim

"Brit Hashmonayim invites under-30s 
to An Evening of Israeli Entertainment"

English concert announcement of January, 1975:

"Brit Hashmonayim invites under-30s to An Evening of Israeli Entertainment"

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"Ilana, Palti storm France"
"The Jewish Chronicle Newspaper", 
England, January 31, 1975:

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"Ilana, Palti storm France" - "The Jewish Chronicle Newspaper", England, January 31, 1975
Ilana & Palti

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"The Jewish Chronicle Newspaper", England, February, 1975:

Ilana & Palti



"Maccabi Association London", English announcement for March 1975:

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accabi Association London

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"Maccabi Association London"
"The Jewish Chronicle Newspaper", England, March, 1975:

Ilana and Palti - Maccabi Association London Ilana and Palti - Maccabi Association London

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"Yom Ha'atzmaut Celebrations"
English concert annoncement for April 1975:

"Yom Ha'atzmaut Celebrations"

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"Joint Senior Youth Movements' Celebration"
English announcement for April 1975:

Joint Senior Youth Movements' Celebration

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"The Jewish Chronicle Newspaper", England, June, 1975:

Ilana & Palti


"A pair of Songbirds"
by Michael Freedland, "The Jewish Chronicle Newspaper", England, August 22, 1975:

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Ilana & Palti
A pair of Songbirds - article of 1975

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"Jüdisches Gemeindehaus - Bunter Nachmittag"
German article of 1975:

German article, 1975

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"Folklore-Treffpunkt Frankfurt"
German article of "Hörzu", November, 1975:

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Folklore-Treffpunkt Frankfurt+

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"Israelisches Gesangsduo will Deutschland erobern"
German article of Axel Springer Verlag, 
Berlin, December 17, 1975:

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Israelisches Gesangsduo will Deutschland erobern

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"Ilana & Palti"
German article of "EMI LIFE", by Dorit Adenauer, Press and Information department, 1976:

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EMI Life, 1976

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"Ilana & Palti: Darum ist es am Rhein so schön..."
German article of Cologne, ca. 1976:

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Ilana & Palti: Darum ist es am Rhein so schön...
Ilana & Palti: Darum ist es am Rhein so schön...

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"Kollegen gesucht - die Liebe gefunden"
German article of 1977:

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Kollegen gesucht - die Liebe gefunden

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"Erfolgreicher Sommernachtsball des TuS Makkabi"
German article by Robert Rowienski of September 1977:

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Erfolgreicher Sommernachtsball des TuS Makkabi



"Neue Pläne für Ilana und Palti - 
Das Gesangsduo aus Israel hofft auf den Durchbruch"

German article of October 7, 1977:

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Neue Pläne für Ilana und Palti

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Die Welt ist voll Musik
German announcement of a tv show with "Ilana & Palti", October, 1977:

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Die Welt ist voll Musik, 1977

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"Gesangsduo mit großen Plänen - 
Ilana und Palti wollen in Deutschland Karriere machen"

German article by Boike Jacobs:

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Ilana & Palti - Gesangsduo mit großen Plänen

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